
Thursday 13 June 2024

Thursday 13 June 2024

The CBUAE issues its 2023 Annual Report

Press Release

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Register Insurance Advisor for Individuals

A process to register the person who studies the insurance requirements for his clients, provides advice about the appropriate insurance cover and assists the clients in preparing insurance claims; and receives fees for his services to the clints


Target Audience:

​​Consultants - Individual


Office location: Abu Dhabi/ Dubai

Department/Section: Licensing  division

Contact Person: Licensing  division

Phone: 80042823

Fax: 97125572111

Email: [email protected]

1.Electronically submit the application on the system, by user name and password. In the event that the user is new he shall send an email letter requesting a user name and password

2. Complete the service form and upload it along with the documents in the electronic system

3. The completed application is reviewed and approved

4. The technical staff (key employees) shall be interviewed in the Authority’s headquarters

5. Pay the fees through e-services or through a smartphone application. In case the applicant is applying in person: Payment can be made through the electronic screen at the Customer Service Center in the Authority; and in case of a system breakdown: Payment can be made by e-Dirham or credit card at the Authority

6. The customer prints the Registration Certificate


Service Fees:

Fee for the registration of an insurance consultant - individuals:  AED 7,000 once at the time of the extract printout

Submission of the application electronically or through a smartphone application

Pay the fees


Attachments Required

  1. Be fully qualified

  2. A certificate from the competent authorities that the applicant has never been sentenced with a punishment against moral turpitude and honesty together with a declaration that he has not been declared bankrupt in the past

  3. Be of good conduct

  4. The license or practice of an insurance consultant or any of the professions related to insurance shall not be canceled or suspended prior to the expiration of the penalty

  5. To fulfill any of the requirements of the qualifications and practical experience in the insurance or reinsurance business or any of the professions related to insurance mentioned in paragraph (a) or paragraph (b):

  6. A doctorate degree in insurance, law, finance or insurance related sciences, a fellow degree from the London Institute of Legal Insurance or any degree or certificate equivalent to similar institutes accredited by the Commission, and a practical experience of not less than (5) years for the citizen, Less than (10) years for non-citizens

  7. Bachelor's degree or master's degree in insurance, law, finance or insurance-related sciences, associate degree from the Institute of Legal Insurance in London or any degree or certificate equivalent to similar institutes accredited by the Commission, and practical experience of not less than (7) years for the citizen Less than (15) years for non-citizens

  8. Copy of UAE ID, passport and residence if any

  9. Copy of the equivalence of scientific qualifications issued by the competent authorities in the State

  10. A certified copy of the certificates of experience and a copy of the training courses

  11. Submit an insurance policy in the amount of one million and five hundred thousand Dirhams to indemnify civil liability for damage resulting from practicing the profession. The policy must be in the name of the insurance consultant and in favor of the Chairman of the Board of Directors

Estimated time from the submission of the application until the completion of the service:  30 days from the date of submitting the complete application :

Total transactional number

Service Name

Register Insurance Advisor for Individuals

Service Category

Insurance Services

Service Type

Individual Business Services

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Last updated on: Friday 24 February 2023

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