
Thursday 13 June 2024

Thursday 13 June 2024

The CBUAE issues its 2023 Annual Report

Press Release

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Whistleblowing plays a critical role in keeping our institution honest, efficient, and responsible. In recognition of this role, the CBUAE provides the opportunity for all stakeholders, including supervised entities, vendors, counterparties and the public, to discreetly disclose wrongdoings by CBUAE employees, contractors, and representatives, in an environment free from the threat of retaliation. We can take relevant action and avert fraud, corruption and misuse of public assets and protect reputations, if we receive timely information.

On your right you can find the “Whistleblowing Form”. By clicking on it you can report corruption, fraud, undisclosed conflicts of interest, ethical violations, and non-compliance with applicable laws and regulations by the CBUAE’s employees, contractors and representatives. 
You can Anonymously submit your report by skipping section “A” in the Whistleblowing Form.
If you choose to disclose your identity, your details will be held in confidence to the fullest extent possible and allowed by law. 

Whistleblowing Policy

You can contact Compliance Unit directly: 

  • In person at our Abu Dhabi HQ;
  • Via phone on 00971 2 691 5555; or 
  • In writing to the Compliance Unit/ CBUAE at- P.O. Box 854, Abu Dhabi, UAE. 

Yes, but only if you have already submitted a report with the appropriate CBUAE function and did not receive a timely response. You will need to provide details of your previously failed communication attempt(s).

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Last updated on: Thursday 13 April 2023

Total visitors 11559