
Thursday 13 June 2024

Thursday 13 June 2024

The CBUAE issues its 2023 Annual Report

Press Release

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Open Data

At the Central Bank of the UAE, we believe in the importance of transparency.

We have adopted a comprehensive open data policy, through which we make easy-to-digest information about our work available to the public. This includes reports, studies, and other content, all of which can be shared and republished easily.

Open Data Policy

Our definition of open data is information (data) that anyone can access, use, distribute, modify and share for any purpose without any technical, financial or legal restrictions.

Open Data Documents

At the Central Bank of the UAE, we believe in the importance of transparency. We have adopted a comprehensive open data policy, through which we make easy-to-digest information about our work available to the public. This includes reports, studies, and other content, all of which can be shared and republished easily.

Statistics by Theme

To uphold our commitment to transparency and accountability, we provide open data relating to statistical analysis of the UAE. This includes a comprehensive archive of past statistics for easy reference.

Web Usage Data

The Central Bank of the UAE allows website visitors to view our website usage data. This includes insight on the most-used browsers and devices by our visitors, plus the most frequently visited pages and statistics related to active countries, gender, and age.

UAE Open Data Portal

Bayanat is the UAE government’s official data portal. Here, you will find government data for different categories, such as food security, economy, education, government, health, infrastructure, environment, society, technology and transport.

View UAE Open Data Portal

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Last updated on: Thursday 17 October 2024

Total visitors 52266