
Thursday 13 June 2024

Thursday 13 June 2024

The CBUAE issues its 2023 Annual Report

Press Release

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Digital Participation Policy

Two-way communication and your feedback can make a positive difference to our decision-making.

Hearing from you also helps us to understand the needs of the community, so we can serve people and businesses better.

Regular information updates on our digital platforms demonstrate our commitment to transparency. These can create useful community conversations, leading to improvements in our services.

You can follow us on our social media platforms for updates and contact us with any queries or feedback.

Our pledge to you

  • We will always keep a respectful and friendly tone. 
  • You can communicate directly with our expert colleagues, who will take the time to understand your needs. 
  • Your time is valuable. We will respond to every query as quickly as possible. 
  • Sharing accurate information with you is one of our highest priorities. 
  • You can reach us through the channels that you prefer. 
  • We welcome your feedback and are open to partnerships that will help us to develop our services.  

You have a right to access

  • All results from our public surveys and polls. 
  • Your feedback publicly, after a moderator has checked it against our rules of conduct.   
  • Solutions influenced by your feedback. 

Inclusivity of people of determination

Inclusivity is important to the Central Bank of the UAE. Our website includes features designed to help people of determination to access information quickly and easily, including: 

  • Text-to-speech 
  • Alternative texts 
  • Text size 
  • Theme colour 
  • Colour-blind mode  
  • Full website functionality from a keyboard. 

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Last updated on: Wednesday 14 June 2023

Total visitors 3900