
Thursday 13 June 2024

Thursday 13 June 2024

The CBUAE issues its 2023 Annual Report

Press Release

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Insurance Guidelines

The Central Bank of the UAE regulates and supervises the UAE insurance sector. Its central objective is to maintain a favourable climate for the development of the UAE insurance industry.

In doing so, the CBUAE will serve a broader purpose, including the advancement and protection of the national economy and supporting UAE economic development. The insurance function of the CBUAE also helps to create fair and effective competition within the nation’s insurance industry, promotes quality insurance services at affordable rates and advances Emiratisation in the UAE insurance market. 

Supervision policies


Until 2020, control over the UAE’s insurance market was the responsibility of a separate entity, the Insurance Authority (IA). The IA was established under the Federal Law No. 6 of 2007 with a legal personality, and financial and administrative independence. This Law mandated the IA to regulate and supervise the insurance sector. After the IA was merged with the CBUAE following Decretal Federal Law No. (25) of 2020, the CBUAE took over responsibility for the regulatory, supervisory, licensing and enforcement functions of the insurance sector. 

Insurance guidelines

The insurance function of the CBUAE organises and regulates the insurance sector to create a suitable environment to: 

  • Secure lives, properties, and liabilities against risks in order to protect the national economy;

  • Collect, develop, and invest the national savings to sustain the economic development of the State;

  • Encourage fair and effective competition;

  • Provide the best insurance services in competitive premiums and coverage;

  • Further Emiratisation of the insurance markets


The UAE insurance sector has strict guidelines around solvency to protect consumers, businesses and industries. These regulations include minimum capital requirements, solvency margins, funding and more


Reinsurance means to cede part of or the entire liability for the risk taken by the direct insurer (insurer A) under the insurance contract to the reinsurer (insurer B). Reinsurance also reallocates any rights and obligations to the reinsurer.

Life and Non-Life Insurance

Life and Non-Life Insurance both arise from contracts where the insurer is obliged to pay the insured or the beneficiary compensation in case of damages or loss. This arrangement is made in return for instalments or monetary sums paid by the insured. The direct insurance operations are divided into three types: - Life Insurance and Funds Accumulation Operations - Properties Insurance - Liabilities Insurance

Insurance Guidelines


Insurance Authority Board of Directors Resolution No. (17) of 2020

21 April 2020

Insurance Brokerage

Insurance Authority Board of Directors’ Resolution No. (14) of 2020

29 March 2020

Insurance Brokerage

The Work Guide of the Internal Controller at insurance brokerage companies

23 December 2017


Insurance Authority Board of Directors’ Decision No. (30) of 2016

14 December 2016


Insurance Authority Board of Directors Decision No (25) of 2016

21 September 2016


11 of 2016 concerning the Pricing policy

30 May 2016


Insurance Authority’s Broad of Directors’ Decision No. 25 of 2015

07 December 2015

Period Granted to Companies

28 of 2015 concerning extending the period pursuant to Article 25

15 August 2015


FATCA Agreement

17 June 2015

Health Insurance licensing (TPA)

the Instructions for Licensing Health Insurance Third Party Administrators and Regulation and Control of their Business

30 May 2015

Financial Regulations /Takaful

Insurance Authority Board Decision Number (26) of 2014 Pertinent to Financial Regulations for Takaful Insurance Companies

28 December 2014

Insurance Brokerage

Resolution No.20 of 2014 On the Amendment of Some Provisions of the Insurance Authority Board of Directors Resolution No 15 of 2013

29 November 2014

Insurance Brokerage

Decision No 58 of 2013

07 December 2013

Insurance Brokerage

15 of 2013 concerning Insurance Brokerage Regulations

08 October 2013

Health Insurance licensing (TPA)

13 of 2013 concerning prescribed fees for TPAs

11 May 2013

Health Insurance licensing (TPA)

Insurance Authority Board of Director’ Resolution No. (13) of 2020

29 March 2012

Health Insurance licensing (TPA)

9 of 2011 concerning licensing TPAs

30 July 2011


Ministerial Resolution (54) of 1987 regarding car insurance documents (Document only available in arabic)

09 August 1987

Regulatory Reporting

IFRS 17 Financial Impact Assessment Industry Comments

Regulatory Reporting

Reconciliation - eForms and Financials - Takaful Companies

Regulatory Reporting

Motor Pricing Template

Regulatory Reporting

Data Quality Checklist (QUAL-3)

Regulatory Reporting

Reconciliation - eForms and Financials - Insurance companies

Regulatory Reporting

IA Financial Reporting eForms v1.7

Regulatory Reporting

Data Quality Certification Instructions

Regulatory Reporting

IFRS 17 - FIA Template V2


Yes. The CBUAE and our supervision function diligently regulates insurance providers against a set group of guidelines, policies, and regulations to ensure that all providers meet the quality standards set.

The insurance guidelines help to safeguard the UAE insurance sector by setting a minimum operating quality standards for providers, whilst also supporting providers to overcome operational challenges.

All available insurance guidelines can be accessed on our website by following this link.

Yes. Our insurance guidelines page offers the ability to search for historical guidelines held in our archives online.

Not all of them. While all insurance guidelines drawn up by the CBUAE supervision department are found on our website, we also provide access to guidance and principles from other related entities. This includes the Insurance Core Principles (ICP) outlined by the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS), on which you can read more about here.

Our insurance guidelines relate to a broad variety of areas, including solvency, reinsurance, life and non-life insurance.

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