
Thursday 13 June 2024

Thursday 13 June 2024

The CBUAE issues its 2023 Annual Report

Press Release

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Applying for a Licence

Applying for a licence: New applicants or unlicensed financial institutions

The Central Bank of the UAE has to approve any financial and banking activities in the United Arab Emirates activities before issuing an applicant with a licence. The applicant must begin the licensing process by submitting an application to the CBUAE through the Licensing Division of the Banking Supervision Department.



New applicants must contact the CBUAE at an early stage by e-mail ([email protected]) to request a preliminary meeting to discuss and review their plans. The following documents should also be attached to the e-mail:

  • Proposed business model.

  • Proposed business plan.

  • A short summary of proposed actions and activities, plus any issues or questions.


    New applicants are required to hold at least one preliminary meeting with the CBUAE before they can submit their licence application formally. 

  • After completing the review process described above successfully, the CBUAE will give the applicant access to the application system to start the application process.

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Last updated on: Friday 05 August 2022

Total visitors 4015