
Thursday 13 June 2024

Thursday 13 June 2024

The CBUAE issues its 2023 Annual Report

Press Release

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UAE Direct Debit System (UAEDDS)

The Central Bank of the UAE introduced UAEDDS in 2012 to provide a platform for bank customers to make automatic payments to meet their liabilities in their own bank or to any other bank, other financial institutes, service providers and third parties.

It is a safe and convenient method of making payments, ideally suited for regular payments with fixed or variable amounts such as utility bills, insurance payments, mortgage or loan repayments and subscriptions.

The system’s efficiency and governance are ensured by compliance with domestic and international standards, and the CBUAE’s Rules document.

Minimum UAEDDS Participation Requirements

The Applicant must:

  • Obtain the necessary CBUAE licenses and adhere to its regulatory controls

  • Maintain the required account(s) with the CBUAE

  • Obtain CBUAE Network Access Rights and complete successfully the CBUAE Services Network Certification Process

  • Obtain CBUAE Application Access Rights and complete successfully the CBUAE Application Certification Process; and

  • Adhere to the “UAEDDS Rules” document

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Last updated on: Thursday 28 July 2022

Total visitors 6253